Browse Collections (40 total)

Campaign For The Rights Of Lesbians And Gay Men COLLECTION

Minutes of 1984 Dublin Meeting Lesbian and Gay Activists.pdf

CIT LGBT Society


CIT LGBT Society is a student society in Cork Institute of Technology that provides support and services for full-time CIT students. The society was…

Cork AIDS Alliance (CAA)


Cork AIDS Alliance was founded on 29 July, 1987. Representatives from Cork STD Clinic, Gay Health Action, Alcohol and Drug Treatment Unit, the…

Cork Branch, Irish Gay Rights Movement

Tel-A-Friend .jpg

The first Cork LGBT organisation, the Cork Branch of the IGRM (Irish Gay Rights Movement) was set up in 1975 and the first gay centre opened on…

Cork Gay Collective COLLECTION


Cork Gay Collective (CGC) was set up in Cork in 1980 to campaign for Gay rights. The CGC was established as a radical gay group. They recognised that…

Cork Lesbian and Gay Action Project COLLECTION


Project set up in Cork in 1984 to focus on a number of areas, including establishing a youth group, organising socials, expanding befriending and…

Cork Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

2nd irish lesbian and gay film festival poster Cork 1992 Josef Kovac.jpg

In 1991 a Lesbian and Gay Film Festival began in conjunction with the Cork Film Festival which began in 1956. This was the first Irish Lesbian and…

Cork Lesbian Group / Cork Lesbian Collective COLLECTION


Cork LGBT Awareness Week

Cork’s LGBT Awareness Week is an annual event to highlight the presence of the vibrant LGBT communities in Cork. It is organised by the Cork City…


Arthur Leahy and Tony O Regan Cork Pride leafleting Princes Street 1981.jpg