Browse Items (101 total)

Laura Harmon Marriage Equality 2015.jpg
Laura Harmon, President of USI (Union of Students in Ireland) campaigning for Marriage Equality in Ireland in 2015.

Siobhan O Dowd Launch Cork LGBT Awareness Week May 2018.jpeg
Siobhan O'Dowd speaking at the launch of the 2018 Cork LGBT Awareness Week in Cork City Hall.
Siobhan is a Cork lesbian activist and Chairperson of the Cork LGBTI+ InterAgency Group.

Siobhan O'Dowd 2003.tiff
Siobhan O'Dowd at the formal opening of LINC community centre by President Mary McAleese in 2004.
Siobhan is a Cork lesbian activist.

Helen Slattery 2015.jpeg
Cork lesbian activist Helen Slattery 2015

Cork lesbian activist Helen Slattery photograph from the Cork Queer Diary and Directory 2005.

June Hamill 2019.jpg
June Hamill at Cork Pride 2019.
June is a Cork lesbian activist, sports player and member of Choral Con Fusion Cork LGBT Choir.

June Hamill Cork Pride 2014.jpg
June Hamill at Cork Pride 2014.
June is a Cork lesbian activist, sports player and a member of Choral Con Fusion Cork LGBT Choir.

Alana Daly Mulligan 2018.JPG
Alana Daly Mulligan performing her Spoken Word Poetry at the Modwords Cork open mic night in the Poor Relation bar in Cork in 2018.
Alana is a queer spoken-word “artivist”, journalist and filmmaker.

Clive Davis Chairperson's Welcome Cork Pride 2018.png
Clive Davis delivering the Chairperson's Address at the Cork Pride After Party on the Grand Parade in Cork in 2018.
Clive Davis is an LGBT rights advocate and activist and Chairperson of Cork Pride since 2010.

Clive Davis Cork Pride.png
Clive Davis at Cork Pride Festival 2014.
Clive Davis is an LGBT rights advocate and activist and Chairperson of Cork Pride since 2010.
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