Browse Items (44 total)

A letter by Arthur Leahy for Gay Health Action [G.H.A.]. Addressed "c/o Quay Coop., 24 Sullivans Quay, Cork, Ireland". Mentions that the G.H.A. are dealing with "the initial media hysteria" surrounding AIDS. Refers to an "enclosed leaflet" that is…

A newsletter by Gay Health Action [G.H.A.] for the week ending 21 September, 1985. Introductory correspondence is dated 20 September, 1985 and signed by Mick [Mike] Quinlan. Pages 1 and 2 are a report from the Dublin G.H.A meeting dated, 16…

An information leaflet and meeting reports by Gay Health Action (GHA) - "a group formed in January 1985 with the support of all gay groups in Ireland". Leaflet discusses the purpose and aims of the group, with details about regular meetings in both…

Poster entitled, "Do you have safer sex down to a fine art yet?". You are invited to spend an exotic afternoon. There are only 16 places available please book early. Yes I will attend ..... name. Location is at the Quay Co-op, Sullivans Quay. Contact…

The second Gay Health Action Information Leaflet on HTLV3 testing was produced by Gay Health Action (a member of AIS Action Alliance) in December 1985. Information leaflet 2.

Gay Health Action AIDS Information Booklet originally published in 1986. Revised Edition in 1987. It provides information about Gay Health Action, about AIDS in Ireland and action to address AIDS. It also provides information on AIDS education,…

The second Gay Health Action Information Leaflet on AIDS testing was produced by Gay Health Action (a member of AIDS Action Alliance) in August 1987. Information leaflet 2.

Unnumbered issue of series of newsletters (the Newsletter of Gay Health Action), produced in the 1980s entitled AIDS Action News. Contains articles on AIDS campaigning, the Gay Health Action group and related groups, activism, and on issues of coping…

A condom card, detailing guidelines for condom use, tips on how to use. It includes the contact details for Gay Health Action.

1986 AIDS Information Booklet.pdf
AIDS Information Booklet produced by Gay Health Action in Ireland in 1986. It provides information about Gay Health Action, about AIDS in Ireland and action to address AIDS. It also provides information on relevant organisations in Ireland.
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