Browse Items (44 total)

Fax sheet from the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, Glen, Hirschfeld Centre, 10 Fownes Street, Dublin 2, dated 3rd May 1996 to Southern Gay Health Action (for the attention of Ronan). Notes that in order to get Kieran [Rose] onto the strategy…

Correspondence from European Gay Health Care regarding European Meeting on AIDS prevention, dated 26 June, 1985.
Page 1: states that in April of this year [1985], Dr E. Bennett, director of Health and Safety, Directorate V of the EC, "proposed to…

Gay Health Action Questionnaire on LGBT engagement with STD clinics in Ireland. 15 question one page questionnaire to be returned to a collection box in the Phoenix Club Cork or the Quay Co-op or to a P.O. Box in Cork

"Condom Card" leaflet by Gay Health Action, P.O. Box 1890, Dublin 1. Includes guidelines for using condoms.

CAIRDE, Gay Health Action Poster / Leaflet
4 page poster / leaflet for AIDS support groups (CAIRDE, Gay Health Action, Practical Aid, Women and AIDS, Ballymun Youth Action Project). Includes contact details for each group,

1985 AIDS Leaflet.pdf
The first Irish Information Leaflet on AIDS and on safe sex practices was produced by Gay Health Action Cork in May 1985. Information Leaflet 1.

1986 AIDS Information Booklet.pdf
AIDS Information Booklet produced by Gay Health Action in Ireland in 1986. It provides information about Gay Health Action, about AIDS in Ireland and action to address AIDS. It also provides information on relevant organisations in Ireland.

Report from Hambury, Amsterdam, possibly Ireland. Orgnaisation entitled AIDS HELP. This operates from the gay center (Hirschfeld). Describes the activities and operation of the center. Reports on a Safe Sex Festival (safe use of condoms is mentioned)…

Special Issue of AIDS Action News. Newsletter of GHA [Gay Health Action]. Page 1 reads: "What Now?" Discusses the burning of the Hirschfeld Center (a major institution that emerged from the 1970s) on November 4/5th 1987, the waves of women's…

Raffle Ticket entitled "AID to Fight AIDS Xmas Raffle" by Gay Health Action, 10 Fownes St., Dublin 2. States that the raffle draw will take place in SIDES on Saturday, 20 December [year not stated].
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