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GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 2. Issues 5 and 6. Dated June and July 1997. Addressed: GPI, PO Box 5187, Dublin 6. Discusses accountability of AIDS organisations, responsibility for protected sex, HIV/AIDS websites, 1592: distribution programmes…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 2. Issues 3 and 4. Anniversary Edition. Dated May June 1997. Provides information about GayPoz Ireland May 1996 to May 1997. Discusses antiretroviral medications, Nevirapine, Nelfinavir and Didanosine, the basic…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 2. Issue 8. Dated October 1997. Addressed: GPI, PO Box 5187, Dublin 6. Discusses immune restoration, effects of antiretroviral therapy on semen, protease inhibitors and diabetes, the launch of an experimental HIV…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 2. Issue 7. Dated September 1997. Addressed: GPI, PO Box 5187, Dublin 6. Discusses new U.S. Standard of Care for HIV, protease inhibitors, patient/doctor partnership, Indinavir update, side effects chart,…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 2. Issue 1. Dated April 1997. Discusses the Lazarus Effect (by J. Williams), HIV Adult Standard of Care When the CD4 (T Cell) Count is between 200 and 100, Hepatitis, Oral Sex, New Abbott Protease Inhibitor, Epoch…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter, Volume 1, issues 7 and 8. Featuring "Positive living", "GCN Failure", "Frequently Asked HIV Treatment Questions", "Eradication of HIV". Also includes a glossary of terms.

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 1. Issue 7. Dated February 1997. Includes an email address for GPI. States that GPI is compiled, written and edited by Dr. John Williams. Discusses new HIV drugs, new combinations and new concerns, considering viral…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 6, dated November 1996. Discusses the standard of care for HIV, reading laboratory results, CMV [Cytomegalovirus] information, miscellaneous AIDS-related news bulletins, survival tips for people with AIDS,…

GayPoz Ireland newsletter. Volume 1. Issue 10. Dated March 1997. Discusses HIV Adult Standard of Care, CD4 and blood counts, Survival tips, Gay Health Network, Treatment Decisions, GPI Information Sources, HIV/AIDS-related fatigue, Vitamin B-12…

Special Edition of Poz Ireland magazine entitled "Positive Living". Dated 1998. Addressed: GPI, PO Box 5187 Dublin 6. States that this special edition of Poz Ireland is a compilation of articles from people living with HIV and focuses on the living…
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