Browse Items (35 total)

Poster advertising Red Hot & White presented by Cork AIDS Alliance. Hosted in Nancy Spains and dated 01 December during World AIDS Day. Mentions Freddie White, Noel Redding, The 5 Joyful Mysteries, and The Medication Blues Band.

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Sheet of stickers for Cork AIDS Alliance, showing bird image and telephone number

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Poster advertising Cork AIDS Helpline, produced by Cork AIDS Alliance

Poster for the Cork AIDS Helpline. Includes contact number for Cork AIDS Helpline and postal address information for the Cork AIDS Alliance. Support, Advice, Information, Help.

Newsletter by Cork AIDS Alliance dated August 1987 and entitled "Cork Lesbian and Gay Newsletter". States that Cork AIDS Alliance was launched last month (July 1987?) and "the organisation joins AIDS Action Alliance Dublin, AAA West (Galway), and…

Report for the "Task Force on Education" for AIDS to be set up in the S.H.B [Southern Health Board?] region, comprising representatives from different educational fields. Provides background information, initial aims, and mini-reports of meetings…

Poster for a GALA Benefit Night for Cork AIDS Alliance. Celebration by John McArdle. Starring Mary McEvoy and Denis Conway. Dated Monday 17th August. Reception in Metropole Hotel. Play in Everyman Palace.

Government AIDS Strategy, dated November 1991. Page 1 is entitled "Governments AIDS Strategy" with subheadings: general, strategy and monitoring. Pages 2 and 3 cover education and prevention. Pages 4 and 5 cover care and management. Also covers…

A detailed 11-page report on HIV/AIDS. Page 1 provides information about the genesis of AIDS. Notes the naming of the virus in 1983, by Dr Luc Montagnier of Pastieur Institute, as "L.A.V. (hymphadenopathy Associated Virus)" ; in 1984, Dr Robert Gallo…

Cork AIDS Alliance [CAA] leaflet for 'AIDS to Fight AIDS Benefit' on International AIDS Day, dated Sunday 29 May, 1988. Mentions a lunchtime recital and lists names of participating musicians and singers. Includes AIDS Helpline phone number and…
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