Browse Items (35 total)

Briefing Pack from the Cork AIDS Alliance, 22 McCurtain Street, Cork dated January 1988. Includes, "Background and Strategy, Statement of Aims, Samples of Information Material, Press Cuttings." Gives a history of Cork AIDS Alliance, funding,…

Poster for the Cork AIDS Helpline. Includes contact number for Cork AIDS Helpline and postal address information for the Cork AIDS Alliance. Support, Advice, Information, Help.

25 index cards with speaking notes for talk to St. Patrick's nurses. Card 2 mentions how "any discussion of AIDS automatically touches on such volatile issues as race, sex, morality and the law." References Dr June Osborne, Dean of the School of…

A detailed 11-page report on HIV/AIDS. Page 1 provides information about the genesis of AIDS. Notes the naming of the virus in 1983, by Dr Luc Montagnier of Pastieur Institute, as "L.A.V. (hymphadenopathy Associated Virus)" ; in 1984, Dr Robert Gallo…

Report for the "Task Force on Education" for AIDS to be set up in the S.H.B [Southern Health Board?] region, comprising representatives from different educational fields. Provides background information, initial aims, and mini-reports of meetings…
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