Browse Items (13 total)

Article entitled "Screening for AIDS" Vol. 27 (Issue 684) dated 29 March 1985 and published by The Medical Letter, Inc. (a Non-Profit Publication), 56 Harrison Street, New Rochelle, New York. [The name "Pat Randall" is written in handwriting in the…

Leaflet with information on safe sex and the risks involved with different sexual activities. Reverse includes information on not donating blood, semen or carrying a donor card, also information on the Terence Higgins Trust. Also inclded is…

Article from The New England Journal of Medicine, 1985, Vol. 312, No. 8, pages 521-5, entitled "Special Report The AIDS Epidemic". Discusses retrovirus HTLV-III, outcomes in persons positive in HTLV-III antibody, economic considerations of medical…

Discussion document entitled "HTLV-3 To Test Or Not To Test?" by The Terrence Higgins Trust Limited, BM A.I.D.S., London WC1N 3XX. Dated April 1985.
First page: HTLV Antibody III; To Test or not to test? What does the test detect? What does this…

The Terence Higgins Trust information leaflet, 1st edition, April 1985, entitled "A.I.D.S HTLV III Antibody; To test or not to test?". Front cover states that it was compiled by the help and advice of doctors. Footer reads: "The Terence Higgins…

AIDS Medical Briefing, dated April 1985 by The Terrence Higgins Trust Limited, BM A.I.D.S., London WC1N 3XX.
First page: Introduction. The Definition.
First page to second page: The Virus.
Second page to third page: The Results of HTLV-III…

Leaflet (accordion fold) entitled HTLV-III [Human T-lymphotrophic Virus type 3, former name for the human immunodeficiency virus, now known as HIV.]
The AIDS Institute, New York State Health Department, Empire State Plaza, Corning Tower - Rm. 1931,…

GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis) leaflet (trifold) discussing the federal government's approval of widespread testing for the antibody (HTLV-III) to the virus (HIV) believed to cause AIDS. Discusses the risks to employment and health insurance that gay…

1986 Gay Health Action Press Release.pdf
1986 Press Release from Gay Health Action Ireland, publicising the production of the HTLV-3 Test Leaflet. It discusses how GHA has taken the initiative in disseminating accurate information on AIDS in Ireland. GHA "recognises the need for accurate…

Letter from Gay Health Action (10 Fownes Street, Dublin 2) to Dr. Derek Freedman (88 Ranelagh Village, Dublin 6) regarding the "Draft Test Leaflet". Mentions Dr Freedman's concerns about the medical accuracy of the leaflet and his comments about the…
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